What can a diabetic eat? A diabetic can eat few balanced meals a day at regular intervals. It is also important that a diabetic person’s meals are low in sugar, salt, fat and calories. A diabetic should also watch the portion sizes of all meals and eat smaller portions every few hours rather than eating large meals less frequently. Fresh salad, fruits, nuts are great foods diabetics can eat.
Type 2 Diabetes Diet Sheet | What can a Diabetic eat?
Type 2 Diabetes Diet Sheet Type 2 Diabetes Diet Sheet contains full detail of what a type 2 diabetes patient can eat throughout the day to keep blood sugar levels in control. A diabetes diet sheet also provides you with tips that help you to maintain good health, eat well and keep blood sugar levels […]
Diet for Diabetic Patient
Diet for Diabetic Patient Diet for diabetic patient is usually rich in nutrition and does not contain much fat, sugar or salt. Diabetic Food Chart is a very handy tool that can help diabetics to eat the right food to avoid diabetic complications. A diabetic’s body cannot absorb the sugar that their food brings in. When a diabetic […]
Diabetic drinks that you can drink with every meal!
Diabetic drinks are those drinks that doctors consider to be okay for diabetics to drink. The topic of all drinks like soda, fruit juices, alcohol etc. for diabetics is debatable just like diabetic diet. Are any diabetic drinks good for health? Some drinks are good and others are not so good for diabetics. This is because some drinks are high […]
Foods to avoid with Diabetes | Why food high in salt, sugar, fat is bad?
Foods to avoid with Diabetes are those foods that are high in sugar, salt and fat or low in fibre, nutrition and vitamins. A diabetic can eat foods high in protein and fibre but low in salt, sugar, fat and calories. Sugar in any form is not good for diabetics. Foods high in sugar cause […]
Foods diabetics should avoid | Pizza, Burger, Cake, Sweets, Biscuits etc.
Foods diabetics should avoid are generally high in calories, sugar, salt or fat. This is because any food that is high in calories, sugar, salt or fat is harmful for diabetics. So, if a diabetic eats foods high in calories, salt, sugar or fat in large quantities, it may be extremely dangerous. The foods diabetics should […]
Fruits for diabetic Patients | Are fruits good for diabetics?
Fruits for diabetic Patients are as good as for any other person. There is a myth that diabetics cannot eat fruits as fruits are high in sugar. In reality though, every good diabetic food chart has some great fruits on it. But in reality the sugar in fruits is not harmful. When a diabetic eats […]
Best Fruits for Diabetics | What fruits can a diabetic eat?
Best Fruits for Diabetics are those that are low in sugar but high in nutrition and fibre. Fruits are generally high in sugar and not all fruits are good for diabetics. So it is important to know which are the best fruits for diabetics. Do fruits cause high blood sugar? Yes Fruits do have high sugar. […]
Best diabetic Diet | What can a Diabetic eat to keep sugar level low?
Best Diabetic Diet Best diabetic Diet consists of balanced meals few times a day in smaller portions. What a diabetic can eat includes starches, vegetables, fruits, protein, dairy, fats, oil, sweets, and drinks etc. The only point is that in a diabetic meal, the amount of sugar, salt, fat etc. must be low. Thus […]